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I am interested in exploring the problems humans have communicating with one another. I find it fascinating that so many people keep thoughts inside that could potentially help relationships if revealed. With this in mind, I used social media as a platform to ask the question, “What is one thing that you want to say to someone, but cannot for whatever reason?” Hundreds of strangers responded. Some expressed remorse toward loved ones who had passed away; some showed anger toward their sexual offenders. Many revealed their love for a close friend while others vented their frustrations about the behavior of a family member. Excerpts from these collected messages are embedded in the objects of this seemingly innocent living room, showing that even the most unexpected people still have issues that they struggle to express.


Visitors were welcome to investigate the space to find the hidden messages. They could touch and pick up anything within the room. If you would like to view all of the messages, or add your own response to the question, visit:

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